Søren Vistisen
Bedste runde

Søren Vistisen

Jan Sommerlund
Værste runde

Jan Sommerlund

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
5.575 13.773 -74 Sinky DINKY Philip Sinkbæk Philip Sinkbæk -10.892.481 57.308.823 -10.892.481 354.681 354.681
5.576 13.784 +179 Det skal nok gå! Fremad kiwn kiwn -10.895.860 57.305.444 -10.895.860 1.080.608 1.080.608
5.577 13.789 -216 Champs Dogs 3 tinus tinus -10.897.568 57.303.736 -10.897.568 -2.566 -2.566
5.578 13.816 +73 Bandlyste Hærførere Thomas Lillelund Thomas Lillelund -10.908.467 57.292.837 -10.908.467 736.662 736.662
5.579 13.829 +37 Bianconeries Villy Villy -10.912.610 57.288.694 -10.912.610 595.715 595.715
5.580 13.846 +23 Pøls bodega 2.0 Thomas888 Thomas888 -10.918.775 57.282.529 -10.918.775 559.748 559.748
5.581 13.874 -83 The road to success is always under construction <Slettet> -10.928.562 57.272.742 -10.928.562 306.750 306.750
5.582 13.880 +206 Kanonen fra Højbjerg Gunnersalltheway Gunnersalltheway -10.931.630 57.269.674 -10.931.630 1.281.918 1.281.918
5.583 13.885 +132 Wieses warriors Wiese001 Wiese001 -10.933.677 57.267.627 -10.933.677 911.746 911.746
5.584 13.888 +119 DIGBugha jylland112 jylland112 -10.933.922 57.267.382 -10.933.922 860.786 860.786
5.585 13.891 +129 Indignerede Sheiker steppe steppe -10.934.078 57.267.226 -10.934.078 909.428 909.428
5.586 13.899 -220 Thorsteinssons Thorsteinsson Thorsteinsson -10.936.754 57.264.550 -10.936.754 -35.064 -35.064
5.587 13.908 -181 Steens midterhold 1 Steen Ole Schultz Steen Ole Schultz -10.942.802 57.258.502 -10.942.802 39.955 39.955
5.588 13.909 -24 Chrisbandit fc chrisitan.pedersen7@icloud.com chrisitan.pedersen7@icloud.com -10.942.953 57.258.351 -10.942.953 419.897 419.897
5.589 13.910 -80 Endevendte Løvetæmmere uffel uffel -10.943.643 57.257.661 -10.943.643 316.086 316.086
5.590 13.919 -48 Spartanske Eventyrere EminVictor EminVictor -10.946.674 57.254.630 -10.946.674 375.452 375.452
5.591 13.935 -54 11 Djævle JCT JCT -10.952.963 57.248.341 -10.952.963 358.696 358.696
5.592 13.937 -54 Fjendtlige Bolsjekogere lars strøm  rasmussen lars strøm rasmussen -10.953.343 57.247.961 -10.953.343 359.702 359.702
5.593 13.945 -32 Veto kubrick24 kubrick24 -10.954.734 57.246.570 -10.954.734 405.055 405.055
5.594 13.961 -7 Pedesan Don marisco Don marisco -10.961.731 57.239.573 -10.961.731 463.134 463.134
5.595 13.963 +62 PopDullen hindsberg1994 hindsberg1994 -10.963.548 57.237.756 -10.963.548 694.483 694.483
5.596 13.971 -212 something new aussies Spunkrat Spunkrat -10.966.079 57.235.225 -10.966.079 -28.686 -28.686
5.597 13.977 -73 Steens hjemmebanefavoritter 1 Steen Ole Schultz Steen Ole Schultz -10.970.450 57.230.854 -10.970.450 322.523 322.523
5.598 13.978 -99 Underfrankerede Plebejer Ja mig Ja mig -10.970.674 57.230.630 -10.970.674 266.452 266.452
5.599 13.999 -59 Iskolde Globale Bjørne 4700 Mayhem100 Mayhem100 -10.979.264 57.222.040 -10.979.264 335.694 335.694
5.600 14.015 +46 Glansholdet Rasmus Salomonsen Rasmus Salomonsen -10.988.151 57.213.153 -10.988.151 637.120 637.120