Søren Vistisen
Bedste runde

Søren Vistisen

Jan Sommerlund
Værste runde

Jan Sommerlund

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
5.550 13.577 -39 Trofonaaa⚽️ Ayooo Ayooo -10.827.500 57.373.804 -10.827.500 436.889 436.889
5.551 13.590 -139 Fernando Torres lindstrøm23 lindstrøm23 -10.831.107 57.370.197 -10.831.107 161.933 161.933
5.552 13.596 +23 georgejorge iv the pløk iv the pløk -10.832.126 57.369.178 -10.832.126 566.111 566.111
5.553 13.604 +72 Diego70 Panda Group Panda Group -10.834.674 57.366.630 -10.834.674 697.452 697.452
5.554 13.605 -119 Energiske Skildpadder Oedum Oedum -10.834.734 57.366.570 -10.834.734 224.441 224.441
5.555 13.616 +212 MarsAttacks MarsAttacks MarsAttacks -10.838.221 57.363.083 -10.838.221 1.219.694 1.219.694
5.556 13.617 -73 Steens reservehold 1 Steen Ole Schultz Steen Ole Schultz -10.839.128 57.362.176 -10.839.128 355.160 355.160
5.557 13.620 +156 Brutale Homøopater Sander90 Sander90 -10.839.680 57.361.624 -10.839.680 990.462 990.462
5.558 13.623 -11 Fodboldteam Dentro Dentro -10.841.881 57.359.423 -10.841.881 486.925 486.925
5.559 13.626 -160 Guld Mogens “Mugge” Elmstrøm Mogens “Mugge” Elmstrøm -10.842.649 57.358.655 -10.842.649 122.264 122.264
5.560 13.635 +180 Kong Keld Kong Keldsen Kong Keldsen -10.844.142 57.357.162 -10.844.142 1.075.417 1.075.417
5.561 13.647 -31 Positive Giganter Jervelund Jervelund -10.849.090 57.352.214 -10.849.090 455.891 455.891
5.562 13.655 +209 Wagwan Veterans joetheantilope joetheantilope -10.852.255 57.349.049 -10.852.255 1.209.654 1.209.654
5.563 13.675 -19 Club Boys Rune sauce Rune sauce -10.857.897 57.343.407 -10.857.897 465.291 465.291
5.564 13.682 +8 Abkjær FC Abkjar00 Abkjar00 -10.861.883 57.339.421 -10.861.883 519.668 519.668
5.565 13.684 -14 Rigtige Rummænd olak olak -10.862.656 57.338.648 -10.862.656 482.917 482.917
5.566 13.690 -45 Forsagte Blindsmagere jesper gordon jesper gordon -10.864.297 57.337.007 -10.864.297 419.446 419.446
5.567 13.692 -26 Rockerborgen JKKristensen JKKristensen -10.864.674 57.336.630 -10.864.674 451.452 451.452
5.568 13.709 +54 Fortune Mr.JN Mr.JN -10.870.588 57.330.716 -10.870.588 649.314 649.314
5.569 13.723 -47 Eddergode Enhjørninger -Holdet- -Holdet- -10.876.666 57.324.638 -10.876.666 409.412 409.412
5.570 13.733 -160 MM1! Mark Martinussen Mark Martinussen -10.880.069 57.321.235 -10.880.069 106.354 106.354
5.571 13.755 +24 Pylles Drenge PylleP PylleP -10.887.500 57.313.804 -10.887.500 563.889 563.889
5.572 13.758 +140 Da Warriors Mathias Harrild Mathias Harrild -10.888.612 57.312.692 -10.888.612 929.049 929.049
5.573 13.760 -37 DanBachIT Sneakymancer Sneakymancer -10.888.747 57.312.557 -10.888.747 422.060 422.060
5.574 13.761 +65 Espana 💪🏽 Theonlyrealkasper Theonlyrealkasper -10.888.841 57.312.463 -10.888.841 714.153 714.153
5.575 13.773 -74 Sinky DINKY Philip Sinkbæk Philip Sinkbæk -10.892.481 57.308.823 -10.892.481 354.681 354.681