Bedste runde


Græsteds DRENGE
Værste runde

Græsteds DRENGE

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
9.625 20.404 +14 Finurlige fodboldspillere MathiasB1995 MathiasB1995 -3.817.375 51.374.894 -3.817.375 362.514 362.514
9.626 20.407 -266 Eventyrlystne Boldflyttere krølle1964 krølle1964 -3.818.358 51.373.911 -3.818.358 155.121 155.121
9.627 20.408 -202 Blå vom BlegBagdel BlegBagdel -3.818.708 51.373.561 -3.818.708 192.441 192.441
9.628 20.409 -15 De skændes indbyrdes P .H . U L L U M    P .H . U L L U M -3.818.764 51.373.505 -3.818.764 330.965 330.965
9.629 20.413 -211 Bech`s drenge Henrik Bech Pedersen Henrik Bech Pedersen -3.819.317 51.372.952 -3.819.317 189.222 189.222
9.630 20.422 -196 Paranormale Lømler Maria hansen Maria hansen -3.821.105 51.371.164 -3.821.105 195.744 195.744
9.631 20.431 -30 Mobile Filurer Theis S T Theis S T -3.823.119 51.369.150 -3.823.119 317.100 317.100
9.632 20.432 -28 De 11 trænings kegler Kim the viking Kim the viking -3.823.401 51.368.868 -3.823.401 317.987 317.987
9.633 20.437 -105 Bramfri Kællinger KongBrian KongBrian -3.824.795 51.367.474 -3.824.795 257.424 257.424
9.634 20.446 +240 Kongen af Gjelle chefsergenten chefsergenten -3.825.671 51.366.598 -3.825.671 668.871 668.871
9.635 20.452 -413 Fc Coma KimBacke KimBacke -3.826.588 51.365.681 -3.826.588 71.665 71.665
9.636 20.454 +68 Megamoster Megamoster Megamoster -3.827.058 51.365.211 -3.827.058 412.586 412.586
9.637 20.455 +134 IVCH Ivanjoe1 Ivanjoe1 -3.827.274 51.364.995 -3.827.274 490.045 490.045
9.638 20.457 -151 Talentchefens mareridt KOverg KOverg -3.827.680 51.364.589 -3.827.680 225.194 225.194
9.639 20.468 +136 Hammel Ultras Victor Agerbæk Victor Agerbæk -3.830.198 51.362.071 -3.830.198 497.971 497.971
9.640 20.476 -437 Engang OB Altid OB! Lillesø FC Lillesø FC -3.831.320 51.360.949 -3.831.320 56.568 56.568
9.641 20.484 +23 Jyderup Boys Jyderup boys Jyderup boys -3.832.581 51.359.688 -3.832.581 368.848 368.848
9.642 20.490 +31 Fynboen Storm2 Storm2 -3.834.288 51.357.981 -3.834.288 372.934 372.934
9.643 20.501 +96 Vrede Kræmmere Saudi Leagues næste bud Saudi Leagues næste bud -3.836.404 51.355.865 -3.836.404 436.702 436.702
9.644 20.508 +133 team koga Team Kooga Team Kooga -3.838.411 51.353.858 -3.838.411 491.068 491.068
9.645 20.512 +16 FHT Micfalslund Micfalslund -3.840.986 51.351.283 -3.840.986 357.577 357.577
9.646 20.513 -199 Brand i Stuen Michael Fleischer Michael Fleischer -3.841.162 51.351.107 -3.841.162 182.939 182.939
9.647 20.519 -55 Rent ind Gammel O Gammel O -3.842.105 51.350.164 -3.842.105 288.744 288.744
9.648 20.521 -302 Syndige Indpiskere uggeknight uggeknight -3.842.994 51.349.275 -3.842.994 118.437 118.437
9.649 20.525 -85 Otto's drenge emathson7 emathson7 -3.843.425 51.348.844 -3.843.425 268.424 268.424
9.650 20.529 -160 Græske Nymfer NToft NToft -3.844.261 51.348.008 -3.844.261 212.168 212.168