Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
9.600 20.058 -2.956 Nemt nok Søren Rasmussen 2 Søren Rasmussen 2 -3.251.465 51.053.415 -3.251.465 323.415 323.415
9.601 20.068 -1.560 Mobile Filurer Theis S T Theis S T -3.252.830 51.052.050 -3.252.830 476.050 476.050
9.602 20.072 -123 Gokkerne Jakob L Jakobsen Jakob L Jakobsen -3.253.081 51.051.799 -3.253.081 730.799 730.799
9.603 20.078 -579 Jays’ udvalgte akajay akajay -3.253.893 51.050.987 -3.253.893 621.987 621.987
9.604 20.079 -2.257 De 11 trænings kegler Kim the viking Kim the viking -3.253.999 51.050.881 -3.253.999 396.881 396.881
9.605 20.080 -626 Triple task Magnus Myrthu Magnus Myrthu -3.254.090 51.050.790 -3.254.090 612.790 612.790
9.606 20.084 -218 Helt god nat Mr Jones Mr Jones -3.254.748 51.050.132 -3.254.748 702.132 702.132
9.607 20.088 +296 VIBORG F F Nicolai Trier Nicolai Trier -3.255.530 51.049.350 -3.255.530 1.002.350 1.002.350
9.608 20.098 -1.810 Den Gyldne iPad Maria Sloth Maria Sloth -3.258.260 51.046.620 -3.258.260 442.620 442.620
9.609 20.100 -209 Vilde vogne på Rønvangen M Gissel M Gissel -3.258.460 51.046.420 -3.258.460 700.420 700.420
9.610 20.104 -3.578 SuperLai The Bedford The Bedford -3.259.390 51.045.490 -3.259.390 251.490 251.490
9.611 20.119 -1.471 FC Squidi Squidi Squidi -3.261.090 51.043.790 -3.261.090 479.790 479.790
9.612 20.120 -1.631 Doolittles drenge mibille mibille -3.261.460 51.043.420 -3.261.460 460.420 460.420
9.613 20.129 -1.881 De skændes indbyrdes P .H . U L L U M    P .H . U L L U M -3.262.340 51.042.540 -3.262.340 430.540 430.540
9.614 20.165 +108 AaB rød XL Jonas Kolind-andersen Jonas Kolind-andersen -3.267.610 51.037.270 -3.267.610 807.270 807.270
9.615 20.168 -428 ON United FF Ole N Ole N -3.267.983 51.036.897 -3.267.983 637.897 637.897
9.616 20.179 -333 KOM SÅ DE HVIIE -- HADER VFF Kristiansen176 Kristiansen176 -3.269.890 51.034.990 -3.269.890 659.990 659.990
9.617 20.181 +207 Værdige Chefer emiljakobhansen618d emiljakobhansen618d -3.270.347 51.034.533 -3.270.347 866.533 866.533
9.618 20.184 -2.567 Per AA Per AA Per AA -3.270.994 51.033.886 -3.270.994 345.886 345.886
9.619 20.198 -542 LundbølsDisciple Lundbøl Lundbøl -3.272.878 51.032.002 -3.272.878 614.002 614.002
9.620 20.202 +155 Blød bold med skrue 111 Jezpezo Jezpezo -3.273.460 51.031.420 -3.273.460 828.420 828.420
9.621 20.207 -489 65sus zak9zak@gmail.com zak9zak@gmail.com -3.274.460 51.030.420 -3.274.460 621.420 621.420
9.622 20.215 -321 Kashmirklædte banditter Ålekat Bartolec Ålekat Bartolec -3.275.460 51.029.420 -3.275.460 660.420 660.420
9.623 20.219 -1.950 TALLSTARSUPER TN102 TN102 -3.275.490 51.029.390 -3.275.490 410.390 410.390
9.624 20.221 -1.001 Stoners drenge stener stener -3.275.761 51.029.119 -3.275.761 530.119 530.119
9.625 20.229 -373 Bos guld(v)hold ForzaBifBo ForzaBifBo -3.276.880 51.028.000 -3.276.880 646.000 646.000