Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
2.263 3.690 +3.704 Rendyrkede Bondeplagere Kjeldergaard Kjeldergaard -1.427.202 52.877.678 -1.427.202 2.078.678 2.078.678
2.808 4.610 +4.406 Vrede Løvetæmmere Sattianwayne Sattianwayne -1.554.580 52.750.300 -1.554.580 2.079.300 2.079.300
2.847 4.681 +4.449 Turbo Torben Sebastian_Jørgensen27 Sebastian_Jørgensen27 -1.564.424 52.740.456 -1.564.424 2.079.456 2.079.456
2.421 3.957 +3.942 Ananas i egen juice 6 Larsvk🏆 Larsvk🏆 -1.465.325 52.839.555 -1.465.325 2.080.555 2.080.555
47 58 +45 Freddy freaking The Duke of Victory The Duke of Victory -354.410 53.950.470 -354.410 2.081.470 2.081.470
957 1.480 +1.888 Fodsportsforeningen AndreasSU AndreasSU -1.047.398 53.257.482 -1.047.398 2.082.482 2.082.482
1.427 2.311 +2.665 Bad Girls Club thomaskaer10 thomaskaer10 -1.207.626 53.097.254 -1.207.626 2.083.254 2.083.254
3.360 5.476 +4.800 Holdet Tips - Andetholdet HoldetTips på x.com HoldetTips på x.com -1.659.034 52.645.846 -1.659.034 2.083.846 2.083.846
1.215 1.931 +2.350 KingofPool FC Kingofpool FC Kingofpool FC -1.134.690 53.170.190 -1.134.690 2.084.190 2.084.190
2.822 4.635 +4.464 Nico_BIF Nico_215 Nico_215 -1.558.149 52.746.731 -1.558.149 2.084.731 2.084.731
229 323 +457 Dameben IF 💪💪 Baronen76 Baronen76 -631.484 53.673.396 -631.484 2.085.396 2.085.396
2.026 3.308 +3.413 FC Dansamma Silvester Silvester -1.367.146 52.937.734 -1.367.146 2.087.734 2.087.734
243 341 +522 Doktorens gg kawerlawer kawerlawer -645.390 53.659.490 -645.390 2.088.490 2.088.490
15 18 +6 Veloplagte Lærlinge L.Bust L.Bust -197.778 54.107.102 -197.778 2.089.102 2.089.102
3.654 5.957 +4.977 Den sidste løbebane Garano Garano -1.717.629 52.587.251 -1.717.629 2.089.251 2.089.251
2.146 3.501 +3.665 Baba Garanganoush Antique Antique -1.397.880 52.907.000 -1.397.880 2.090.000 2.090.000
449 649 +1.103 Team Mixalot Team Mogens og Ivan Team Mogens og Ivan -805.225 53.499.655 -805.225 2.090.655 2.090.655
1.922 3.121 +3.310 Dalle3 NidalFreije NidalFreije -1.339.060 52.965.820 -1.339.060 2.091.820 2.091.820
383 551 +976 Den Frosne Zone rickrick rickrick -763.250 53.541.630 -763.250 2.093.630 2.093.630
1.670 2.695 +3.018 theamalthejohan michael bjerregaard michael bjerregaard -1.272.177 53.032.703 -1.272.177 2.094.703 2.094.703
2.013 3.282 +3.466 Tændte Droner Bonde19 Bonde19 -1.364.115 52.940.765 -1.364.115 2.094.765 2.094.765
2.145 3.500 +3.712 Tilbageholdende Dommere PeterØH PeterØH -1.397.634 52.907.246 -1.397.634 2.095.246 2.095.246
1.138 1.794 +2.341 Terpster 02 Jens Terp Jens Terp -1.110.280 53.194.600 -1.110.280 2.096.600 2.096.600
1.295 2.086 +2.559 Topscorerne Bloddonoren Bloddonoren -1.161.963 53.142.917 -1.161.963 2.096.917 2.096.917
2.585 4.224 +4.263 Ted Clubber Lang BamseLarden BamseLarden -1.498.880 52.806.000 -1.498.880 2.097.000 2.097.000
1.380 2.229 +2.712 Sarte Skovløbere Rio Negro Rio Negro -1.193.220 53.111.660 -1.193.220 2.097.660 2.097.660