Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
8.981 18.041 +155 provinsfyr Frosterik Frosterik -5.429.872 54.595.764 -5.429.872 818.464 818.464
8.980 18.040 +235 Engelsk morgenmad FilipHinge1107 FilipHinge1107 -5.429.665 54.595.971 -5.429.665 894.039 894.039
8.979 18.037 -93 OMG waste of money MrRehder MrRehder -5.428.978 54.596.658 -5.428.978 609.786 609.786
8.978 18.035 -304 UP THE VILLLLA🍺🍺🚔 xDammie xDammie -5.428.282 54.597.354 -5.428.282 451.578 451.578
8.977 18.034 -456 Nyen skal smadres Jesper Birk Jesper Birk -5.427.957 54.597.679 -5.427.957 354.301 354.301
8.976 18.033 +705 4700 KristianBOSS KristianBOSS -5.427.825 54.597.811 -5.427.825 1.473.939 1.473.939
8.975 18.029 -1.079 Blå Klodser renomoller renomoller -5.426.594 54.599.042 -5.426.594 -455 -455
8.974 18.027 +608 Cold Palmer #ice Nichlas Slaikjær Nichlas Slaikjær -5.425.827 54.599.809 -5.425.827 1.322.166 1.322.166
8.973 18.023 +563 KenCha kenneth chabert kenneth chabert -5.423.283 54.602.353 -5.423.283 1.270.142 1.270.142
8.972 18.016 +446 Wieses Warriors Wiese001 Wiese001 -5.422.026 54.603.610 -5.422.026 1.134.408 1.134.408
8.971 18.010 +691 Modi mål Olex2993 Olex2993 -5.419.633 54.606.003 -5.419.633 1.450.723 1.450.723
8.970 18.005 -433 Bay`s Tarzaner Bay the King Bay the King -5.418.114 54.607.522 -5.418.114 370.942 370.942
8.969 18.002 +31 Pihlen1 Christian Lundsteen Christian Lundsteen -5.417.908 54.607.728 -5.417.908 720.621 720.621
8.968 18.000 +489 FC Chelski rlan rlan -5.417.216 54.608.420 -5.417.216 1.195.410 1.195.410
8.967 17.997 +98 Penible Træskodansere Bobby O Bobby O -5.415.209 54.610.427 -5.415.209 768.520 768.520
8.966 17.996 +251 Team Easy On 19Legend99 19Legend99 -5.415.180 54.610.456 -5.415.180 911.866 911.866
8.965 17.994 +224 Drømmen bliver til virkelighed Hansen 12 Hansen 12 -5.414.261 54.611.375 -5.414.261 887.194 887.194
8.964 17.993 -462 MDN_Havertz midin midin -5.414.179 54.611.457 -5.414.179 355.839 355.839
8.963 17.992 -214 Kry Bugtalere Antonorm Antonorm -5.414.161 54.611.475 -5.414.161 517.134 517.134
8.962 17.986 +390 DELHASTRICKS Matjiwolf Matjiwolf -5.411.672 54.613.964 -5.411.672 1.066.643 1.066.643
8.961 17.975 +668 Tåsinge Johan Kirkeby Rasmussen Johan Kirkeby Rasmussen -5.406.954 54.618.682 -5.406.954 1.411.739 1.411.739
8.960 17.970 +317 Lokale Blindsmagere KongenAfTaasinge KongenAfTaasinge -5.402.725 54.622.911 -5.402.725 985.524 985.524
8.959 17.969 -1.262 Indigo Forlovede KalleSchmidt KalleSchmidt -5.401.958 54.623.678 -5.401.958 -88.515 -88.515
8.958 17.968 -901 FJORDAGER IF fjordager fjordager -5.401.837 54.623.799 -5.401.837 107.767 107.767
8.957 17.966 +568 Broken Condom IIIIII Superliga stonks Superliga stonks -5.401.523 54.624.113 -5.401.523 1.280.764 1.280.764
8.956 17.964 +382 Rendyrkede Brødre Maestro89 Maestro89 -5.401.112 54.624.524 -5.401.112 1.060.639 1.060.639