Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
550 650 +2.726 Agdrupskoven dreamteam ole busch jensen ole busch jensen -1.275.715 55.708.622 -1.275.715 2.536.232 2.536.232
1.184 1.442 +3.780 Darkfloaters 3 Darkfloater Darkfloater -1.553.066 55.431.271 -1.553.066 2.535.116 2.535.116
928 1.121 +3.463 Særlige Mejerister Janus Uhd Nybing Janus Uhd Nybing -1.459.639 55.524.698 -1.459.639 2.535.007 2.535.007
791 951 +3.206 Should just win Dan A Dan A -1.392.613 55.591.724 -1.392.613 2.534.894 2.534.894
1.161 1.416 +3.766 Hellerup United NickMalm NickMalm -1.547.665 55.436.672 -1.547.665 2.534.383 2.534.383
408 474 +2.320 Team Allerød 2 Hansen FC Hansen FC -1.179.719 55.804.618 -1.179.719 2.534.293 2.534.293
1.848 2.310 +4.358 Let’s Partey and get Füllkrug Akselmania Akselmania -1.758.798 55.225.539 -1.758.798 2.533.728 2.533.728
467 545 +2.490 Relevante Chokolademænd rasm347c rasm347c -1.220.588 55.763.749 -1.220.588 2.533.486 2.533.486
275 317 +1.876 HawkTuah 2! hindsberg1994 hindsberg1994 -1.061.570 55.922.767 -1.061.570 2.533.364 2.533.364
422 490 +2.349 Bookiejun Jonathan Rantzau Blom  Nielsen Jonathan Rantzau Blom Nielsen -1.189.801 55.794.536 -1.189.801 2.533.164 2.533.164
7.393 13.071 +2.507 Lindholm BK Lindholm-91 Lindholm-91 -3.089.278 53.895.059 -3.089.278 2.532.513 2.532.513
3.300 4.538 +4.797 Toga-Klædte Klovne Neve Neve -2.134.537 54.849.800 -2.134.537 2.531.958 2.531.958
845 1.021 +3.292 Vietnamesiske fristelser Thom1975 Thom1975 -1.421.035 55.563.302 -1.421.035 2.531.597 2.531.597
888 1.071 +3.356 Smeden champchef champchef -1.440.044 55.544.293 -1.440.044 2.530.014 2.530.014
2.887 3.869 +4.736 Bangs Baneløbere JEBANG JEBANG -2.033.267 54.951.070 -2.033.267 2.529.516 2.529.516
203 232 +1.498 ForestKeepsItAllTheWay ContadoronDope ContadoronDope -963.910 56.020.427 -963.910 2.528.974 2.528.974
678 804 +2.921 Cole Calma Oliras92 Oliras92 -1.340.201 55.644.136 -1.340.201 2.528.393 2.528.393
2.326 3.018 +4.614 Arnes Slots Jensenenen Jensenenen -1.891.328 55.093.009 -1.891.328 2.527.475 2.527.475
5.985 9.702 +3.635 Team Twins Nicolai Hessellund Nicolai Hessellund -2.724.874 54.259.463 -2.724.874 2.527.155 2.527.155
1.366 1.678 +3.898 I ser søde ud bag mig :) Jacob Amstrup 1 Jacob Amstrup 1 -1.612.725 55.371.612 -1.612.725 2.527.145 2.527.145
1.157 1.410 +3.699 makemamaproud Mrs Queen Girl Mrs Queen Girl -1.544.902 55.439.435 -1.544.902 2.526.103 2.526.103
2.329 3.022 +4.606 Debrede Christian Kjær Hansen Christian Kjær Hansen -1.892.082 55.092.255 -1.892.082 2.525.567 2.525.567
4.584 6.830 +4.446 Ugidelige Bondeplagere kaar.e kaar.e -2.414.392 54.569.945 -2.414.392 2.524.900 2.524.900
475 556 +2.449 MBP on the rocks Mortenbpthebest Mortenbpthebest -1.224.990 55.759.347 -1.224.990 2.524.586 2.524.586
3.285 4.516 +4.769 Små-Store Schwarzeneggers SKIPPERS99 SKIPPERS99 -2.130.570 54.853.767 -2.130.570 2.524.364 2.524.364
701 832 +2.938 JJJJAAAAA TAAAAAK🕺🚬 Thimes Thimes -1.350.366 55.633.971 -1.350.366 2.524.105 2.524.105