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# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.100 3.098 -70 Sallys 2 Fc Syberg Fc Syberg -3.352.466 52.472.965 -3.352.466 366.504 366.504
1.101 3.100 +12 Pro-line Champion Martin Holsøe Martin Holsøe -3.354.401 52.471.030 -3.354.401 703.010 703.010
1.102 3.101 -60 Snedige Pelikaner Tage Astrup Tage Astrup -3.355.058 52.470.373 -3.355.058 396.202 396.202
1.103 3.104 -43 Koldblodige Campister Eddie2017_CJH Eddie2017_CJH -3.359.617 52.465.814 -3.359.617 439.139 439.139
1.104 3.122 -161 Mr Riis TEAM RIIS TEAM RIIS -3.384.506 52.440.925 -3.384.506 133.583 133.583
1.105 3.130 -77 Diskofile Charlataner lukaras lukaras -3.392.773 52.432.658 -3.392.773 322.422 322.422
1.106 3.152 +18 Welcome to the Gun Show Kristian Ladefoged Kristian Ladefoged -3.413.398 52.412.033 -3.413.398 695.837 695.837
1.107 3.160 +16 Pyt Finn Hellerup Finn Hellerup -3.421.408 52.404.023 -3.421.408 683.794 683.794
1.108 3.161 -47 Stay humble eh Marco Sørensen Marco Sørensen -3.421.774 52.403.657 -3.421.774 379.422 379.422
1.109 3.171 -6 Spydige Digtere Niklas Christensen Niklas Christensen -3.429.094 52.396.337 -3.429.094 570.726 570.726
1.110 3.175 -35 I er for gamle 😀😀😀 sofaligaen sofaligaen -3.432.822 52.392.609 -3.432.822 460.997 460.997
1.111 3.182 -16 Giglo Borres Borres -3.439.369 52.386.062 -3.439.369 531.443 531.443
1.112 3.183 - Har i Kane? Goalhunter Goalhunter -3.439.653 52.385.778 -3.439.653 617.679 617.679
1.113 3.186 +9 Gådefulde Stodderkonger 8Nevers6 8Nevers6 -3.442.049 52.383.382 -3.442.049 660.588 660.588
1.114 3.195 -97 TEAM JOHANTON1619 PART 1 Michael højmann larsen Michael højmann larsen -3.448.169 52.377.262 -3.448.169 244.508 244.508
1.115 3.206 -23 Timelønnede Papirnussere Chelsea111 Chelsea111 -3.456.212 52.369.219 -3.456.212 497.235 497.235
1.116 3.207 -14 Seria A mutya fc mutya fc -3.456.278 52.369.153 -3.456.278 542.081 542.081
1.117 3.209 -6 Appes Bois II Amphiteatret Amphiteatret -3.456.374 52.369.057 -3.456.374 597.426 597.426
1.118 3.221 -19 Doris Fichtelgebirgsraketen WAFTY WAFTY -3.464.772 52.360.659 -3.464.772 529.267 529.267
1.119 3.223 +27 Blandede Bolsjer Don AG Don AG -3.468.046 52.357.385 -3.468.046 827.756 827.756
1.120 3.244 +25 Italian Stallions aggidrengen aggidrengen -3.485.756 52.339.675 -3.485.756 808.026 808.026
1.121 3.262 -151 2. Holdet Oliiiii Oliiiii -3.506.939 52.318.492 -3.506.939 66.205 66.205
1.122 3.265 -160 The Knockout Bostons tinus tinus -3.509.276 52.316.155 -3.509.276 46.265 46.265
1.123 3.275 -55 Selvforsynende Bomber💣 mike janik mike janik -3.517.932 52.307.499 -3.517.932 333.900 333.900
1.124 3.293 +12 Willys Fuckbois William Rams William Rams -3.537.806 52.287.625 -3.537.806 678.204 678.204
1.125 3.294 +14 Brødflove Boksere Keddeknald Keddeknald -3.539.416 52.286.015 -3.539.416 723.594 723.594