Bedste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
4.651 7.485 -379 Parmis Disciple William Baes William Baes -6.627.446 56.347.914 -6.627.446 505.930 505.930
4.650 7.482 +432 Dampende Bolddrenge Fodboldnico Fodboldnico -6.626.949 56.348.411 -6.626.949 1.314.113 1.314.113
4.649 7.476 -465 NYGAARDS XI Mikael Nygaard Mikael Nygaard -6.625.124 56.350.236 -6.625.124 421.309 421.309
4.648 7.468 +499 Real Madrid To Glory zony45 zony45 -6.623.798 56.351.562 -6.623.798 1.382.600 1.382.600
4.647 7.464 -56 Pirrelige Slamberter keller77 keller77 -6.622.415 56.352.945 -6.622.415 830.356 830.356
4.646 7.462 -591 Forsagte Snyltere Alen0150 Alen0150 -6.621.797 56.353.563 -6.621.797 307.768 307.768
4.645 7.456 +363 Nyabwari Cameron Nyabwari Cameron Nyabwari -6.620.292 56.355.068 -6.620.292 1.226.624 1.226.624
4.644 7.452 +126 Skibbrudne Indpiskere MortenBoBek MortenBoBek -6.619.809 56.355.551 -6.619.809 1.006.263 1.006.263
4.643 7.449 +216 Little Brother Morten Lund 1 Morten Lund 1 -6.618.434 56.356.926 -6.618.434 1.088.580 1.088.580
4.642 7.447 +148 Don Diego Paphjorten Paphjorten -6.618.346 56.357.014 -6.618.346 1.030.347 1.030.347
4.641 7.435 +172 The Hartmanns DJ Hartmann DJ Hartmann -6.616.205 56.359.155 -6.616.205 1.051.863 1.051.863
4.640 7.433 -15 Passionerede Præriehunde Jokkes squad Jokkes squad -6.614.283 56.361.077 -6.614.283 870.714 870.714
4.639 7.432 +55 Så ser i baghjul gutter brydbach brydbach -6.614.274 56.361.086 -6.614.274 936.020 936.020
4.638 7.431 +137 Moon pdn  -nsnl pdn -nsnl -6.613.971 56.361.389 -6.613.971 1.015.925 1.015.925
4.637 7.425 -155 Flæbende Fedtegrever Skipper Straks Skipper Straks -6.612.986 56.362.374 -6.612.986 725.469 725.469
4.636 7.422 +5 Arne Slot Alex Alex alez Malteser, CORTO Malteser, CORTO -6.612.595 56.362.765 -6.612.595 893.414 893.414
4.635 7.416 +4 Chefens venner brokholm brokholm -6.611.547 56.363.813 -6.611.547 890.998 890.998
4.634 7.414 +150 NORDSKOV B.K. LSP123 LSP123 -6.610.636 56.364.724 -6.610.636 1.029.787 1.029.787
4.633 7.413 -511 FC Fuld Oralé jonasfriborg jonasfriborg -6.609.924 56.365.436 -6.609.924 374.173 374.173
4.632 7.405 -561 HIllBIllIES Hill Hill -6.608.010 56.367.350 -6.608.010 328.003 328.003
4.631 7.402 +425 Fantastiske Campister Emilo2303 Emilo2303 -6.606.850 56.368.510 -6.606.850 1.298.540 1.298.540
4.630 7.387 -552 Thorsteinssonss Thorsteinsson Thorsteinsson -6.603.663 56.371.697 -6.603.663 339.258 339.258
4.629 7.382 -255 Julen from the Block Rasmus Broe Sørensen Rasmus Broe Sørensen -6.602.759 56.372.601 -6.602.759 631.332 631.332
4.628 7.369 -32 VinderMis Misse1 Misse1 -6.599.879 56.375.481 -6.599.879 858.044 858.044
4.627 7.367 +522 Højtidelige Skabninger Horsdal9 Horsdal9 -6.599.566 56.375.794 -6.599.566 1.409.204 1.409.204
4.626 7.365 -47 Flamberede Kranførere Armink07 Armink07 -6.599.299 56.376.061 -6.599.299 838.426 838.426