Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
407 835 -132 TEAM HOMILIUS Nicolai  Homilius Nicolai Homilius -2.099.271 56.173.319 -2.099.271 216.063 216.063
704 1.538 -103 Berlins Bombere Mikkel Berlin Mikkel Berlin -2.598.018 55.674.572 -2.598.018 216.025 216.025
1.267 3.635 -19 Germanske Mytomaner Mike Eggertsen Mike Eggertsen -4.144.426 54.128.164 -4.144.426 216.015 216.015
819 1.847 -101 Tyskens B-hold Ze Dscherman Coach Ze Dscherman Coach -2.786.177 55.486.413 -2.786.177 215.299 215.299
755 1.662 -111 The peacocks The Peacocks77 The Peacocks77 -2.670.940 55.601.650 -2.670.940 215.132 215.132
1.216 3.348 -25 Intetsigende Bananer Jonas Davidsen00000 Jonas Davidsen00000 -3.847.347 54.425.243 -3.847.347 213.151 213.151
1.275 3.720 -17 stous drenge stoui stoui -4.236.304 54.036.286 -4.236.304 211.716 211.716
1.310 4.016 -6 La Cosa Nostra 2 Kenneth Nedergaard Kenneth Nedergaard -4.654.223 53.618.367 -4.654.223 211.471 211.471
1.080 2.669 -68 Nisserne simonob simonob -3.308.279 54.964.311 -3.308.279 210.185 210.185
1.146 2.975 -52 Flittige Kranførere torp27 torp27 -3.516.966 54.755.624 -3.516.966 209.111 209.111
1.295 3.916 -6 Vrede Minører Mogens125 Mogens125 -4.500.933 53.771.657 -4.500.933 207.975 207.975
406 832 -138 The Chosen Few Rune Asger Cowland Rune Asger Cowland -2.093.408 56.179.182 -2.093.408 207.556 207.556
940 2.163 -130 AU 2 lily09 lily09 -2.956.992 55.315.598 -2.956.992 207.466 207.466
670 1.462 -127 Harmdirrende Stodderkonger west17 west17 -2.542.085 55.730.505 -2.542.085 206.970 206.970
668 1.460 -127 - Førsteholdet Fantasy League GG Fantasy League GG -2.541.446 55.731.144 -2.541.446 206.443 206.443
1.130 2.902 -53 the hennings mlzp mlzp -3.472.331 54.800.259 -3.472.331 206.262 206.262
795 1.789 -104 Ulidelige Gnavpotter Mortentr Mortentr -2.751.620 55.520.970 -2.751.620 206.172 206.172
1.208 3.312 -32 Gummiben GUSTEN GUSTEN -3.818.998 54.453.592 -3.818.998 205.722 205.722
898 2.035 -130 Team TDF Team TDF Team TDF -2.895.148 55.377.442 -2.895.148 205.695 205.695
985 2.323 -109 Bechs BechP BechP -3.062.154 55.210.436 -3.062.154 204.344 204.344
949 2.193 -132 Fc Let Rasmus Let Haugaard Dissing Rasmus Let Haugaard Dissing -2.976.043 55.296.547 -2.976.043 202.916 202.916
126 234 -72 WhyParkTheBusWhenYouHaveAVan magnuselm magnuselm -1.466.702 56.805.888 -1.466.702 201.583 201.583
208 402 -108 Fc Crazyrokken Martin Møller Martin Møller -1.673.449 56.599.141 -1.673.449 200.720 200.720
595 1.292 -130 Random XI mga11 mga11 -2.420.203 55.852.387 -2.420.203 196.746 196.746
556 1.195 -129 Totti_KBH Roma_I_CL Roma_I_CL -2.361.286 55.911.304 -2.361.286 196.544 196.544
1.022 2.450 -102 Elsker tyske tøzer Egesø Egesø -3.150.390 55.122.200 -3.150.390 195.816 195.816