Jesper Bisgaard
Bedste runde

Jesper Bisgaard

michael stryhn
Værste runde

michael stryhn

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
950 2.157 -557 MZB Zilen Zilen -1.812.741 51.897.333 -1.812.741 493.333 493.333
951 2.159 -708 Mighty Spurs rbjensen rbjensen -1.813.614 51.896.460 -1.813.614 382.460 382.460
952 2.163 +202 Ohne Sauerkraut Kentchr Kentchr -1.814.904 51.895.170 -1.814.904 946.170 946.170
953 2.165 -43 Hoffmann’s dreamteam 202 Hoffmann897 Hoffmann897 -1.815.444 51.894.630 -1.815.444 754.630 754.630
954 2.170 +277 Kronragede Mwape Mwape Miti Mwape Miti -1.818.535 51.891.539 -1.818.535 1.057.539 1.057.539
955 2.171 -398 Medicinerede Poeter Sbasler12 Sbasler12 -1.818.898 51.891.176 -1.818.898 578.176 578.176
956 2.179 +157 Sangvinske Skabninger Jefe Jefe -1.823.570 51.886.504 -1.823.570 898.504 898.504
957 2.183 -401 Zico Hinaults hold Hinaults hold -1.825.285 51.884.789 -1.825.285 570.789 570.789
958 2.187 +250 O F Mattias Nilsson Mattias Nilsson -1.826.579 51.883.495 -1.826.579 1.013.495 1.013.495
959 2.188 +216 🐥Lindskov🐥 Lars176 Lars176 -1.826.904 51.883.170 -1.826.904 961.170 961.170
960 2.192 +70 Auswechslen Carsten Bryan-Lund Carsten Bryan-Lund -1.827.974 51.882.100 -1.827.974 830.100 830.100
961 2.194 -693 Bund 1 BC Team25 BC Team25 -1.829.100 51.880.974 -1.829.100 387.974 387.974
962 2.195 +31 Kaspers Junge KasperJohansson KasperJohansson -1.829.107 51.880.967 -1.829.107 798.967 798.967
963 2.196 -585 Primpong Nordentoft19 Nordentoft19 -1.829.714 51.880.360 -1.829.714 467.360 467.360
964 2.198 -456 Kristensens Drenge MikkelKristensen36 MikkelKristensen36 -1.830.018 51.880.056 -1.830.018 544.056 544.056
965 2.199 +198 Superboys 25 Mollerchen Mollerchen -1.830.555 51.879.519 -1.830.555 942.519 942.519
966 2.203 +78 Beregnende Gourmeter Keld Moestrup Keld Moestrup -1.831.904 51.878.170 -1.831.904 835.170 835.170
967 2.205 +289 Trampe Allstars Trampedakkedak Trampedakkedak -1.832.196 51.877.878 -1.832.196 1.094.878 1.094.878
968 2.208 -54 Die Meistersterne🥨 RGrindsted1 RGrindsted1 -1.833.754 51.876.320 -1.833.754 740.320 740.320
969 2.212 -263 Backenbæver har sat holdet... The Jazz The Jazz -1.834.714 51.875.360 -1.834.714 631.360 631.360
970 2.215 +156 MBP Kane Mortenbpthebest Mortenbpthebest -1.835.788 51.874.286 -1.835.788 898.286 898.286
971 2.217 -232 Hvemol? Jeppe Løjmand Jeppe Løjmand -1.836.036 51.874.038 -1.836.036 651.038 651.038
972 2.218 -450 Danke für das bratwurst pillestyrer pillestyrer -1.836.714 51.873.360 -1.836.714 545.360 545.360
973 2.219 -668 Holdet i har ikke en chance 😀 sofaligaen sofaligaen -1.836.843 51.873.231 -1.836.843 404.231 404.231
974 2.220 -10 Panzer 3️⃣ Andreas Vidførle (KLUBHUSET) Andreas Vidførle (KLUBHUSET) -1.837.401 51.872.673 -1.837.401 766.673 766.673
975 2.222 -370 Mads r dejlig steenhp steenhp -1.837.478 51.872.596 -1.837.478 581.596 581.596