Bedste runde


Hartov Hammers
Værste runde

Hartov Hammers

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.175 3.109 -26 Vukkii Vukkii Vukkii -4.484.069 56.463.893 -4.484.069 -8.872 -8.872
1.176 3.110 +13 Fylles Myreslugere MikkelFyllgraf MikkelFyllgraf -4.484.357 56.463.605 -4.484.357 156.976 156.976
1.177 3.117 -13 Grænsesøgende Tunnelbyggere Christian - Christian - -4.487.422 56.460.540 -4.487.422 50.279 50.279
1.178 3.121 -7 Wieses Warriors Wiese001 Wiese001 -4.493.741 56.454.221 -4.493.741 78.411 78.411
1.179 3.125 -19 Tirrim Gaming Perspektivet Perspektivet -4.498.443 56.449.519 -4.498.443 26.074 26.074
1.180 3.127 -129 🐥Lindskov🐥 Lars176 Lars176 -4.500.876 56.447.086 -4.500.876 -407.223 -407.223
1.181 3.129 +44 Thegunner1 Sumoality Sumoality -4.502.254 56.445.708 -4.502.254 286.561 286.561
1.182 3.130 +24 Team maakay Simon_overgaard1 Simon_overgaard1 -4.503.418 56.444.544 -4.503.418 208.283 208.283
1.183 3.136 +46 Skider bjørnen i skoven? danskern91 danskern91 -4.507.698 56.440.264 -4.507.698 311.379 311.379
1.184 3.137 +13 Kappeklædte Ballerinaer NiclasLindholm NiclasLindholm -4.508.040 56.439.922 -4.508.040 169.950 169.950
1.185 3.142 -43 - Førsteholdet Fantasy League GG Fantasy League GG -4.512.218 56.435.744 -4.512.218 -67.253 -67.253
1.186 3.146 -74 Kane we do something about it? GlibberJr GlibberJr -4.513.656 56.434.306 -4.513.656 -200.220 -200.220
1.187 3.150 +48 Bundesliga Darlings DasBaron DasBaron -4.517.935 56.430.027 -4.517.935 353.169 353.169
1.188 3.152 +16 Urolige ingis jesperaab jesperaab -4.518.981 56.428.981 -4.518.981 183.762 183.762
1.189 3.170 -88 The peacocks The Peacocks77 The Peacocks77 -4.539.220 56.408.742 -4.539.220 -264.252 -264.252
1.190 3.173 +34 Fx Moselund Tonny Østergård Tonny Østergård -4.543.702 56.404.260 -4.543.702 244.402 244.402
1.191 3.177 +28 Quasar Amon Düül II Quasar One Quasar One -4.552.006 56.395.956 -4.552.006 220.876 220.876
1.192 3.180 -59 effiteam 2 Johnny Lindegaard Johnny Lindegaard -4.553.786 56.394.176 -4.553.786 -163.165 -163.165
1.193 3.182 +53 Die Torjäger 3 Benjamin Eeg Benjamin Eeg -4.555.628 56.392.334 -4.555.628 414.954 414.954
1.194 3.185 +26 MIA SAN MIA Thomas El jefe Jensen Thomas El jefe Jensen -4.559.212 56.388.750 -4.559.212 221.983 221.983
1.195 3.192 +68 FC. Hønserøv Lars Saaby Lars Saaby -4.563.999 56.383.963 -4.563.999 539.504 539.504
1.196 3.195 +21 Livo i Tyskland MalleBuh!! MalleBuh!! -4.571.658 56.376.304 -4.571.658 190.379 190.379
1.197 3.197 +108 MOZART Hr.Riis Hr.Riis -4.575.730 56.372.232 -4.575.730 1.231.359 1.231.359
1.198 3.199 -81 Ostehapsen Patrick Jessen Patrick Jessen -4.578.050 56.369.912 -4.578.050 -244.907 -244.907
1.199 3.204 +6 Class On Grass Manne8700 Manne8700 -4.581.382 56.366.580 -4.581.382 122.291 122.291
1.200 3.208 -16 Skinhellige Legemer jesuslind jesuslind -4.587.491 56.360.471 -4.587.491 32.262 32.262